
Tooth Extraction

General, Cosmetic, & Implant Dentistry located in Pico Rivera, CA

Tooth Extraction

Learning you need a tooth extraction can be a nerve-wracking experience, but the right dentist can make your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Experienced dentist Karen Martinez, DDS, leads with a compassionate, transparent approach at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera in Pico Rivera, California. Along with her welcoming staff, Dr. Martinez can help guide you through the tooth extraction process with ease. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

Tooth Extraction Q & A

What is a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction involves removing an entire tooth from its socket. Each tooth includes two parts: the crown and the root. You can see the crown above the gum line, but the root lies beneath. If you need an extraction, Dr. Martinez removes the entire tooth, including the root.

Depending on the tooth’s condition, Dr. Martinez can either perform a simple or surgical extraction.

Simple extraction

If your tooth is fully intact and visible above the gum line, Dr. Martinez can remove it by loosening it with a dental elevator and carefully extracting it. This method typically doesn’t require stitches and has little to no recovery times.

Surgical extraction

A surgical extraction is necessary when your affected tooth is partially or fully trapped beneath the gum line. This procedure typically requires local anesthesia and incisions along the gums to remove the tooth. After the extraction is complete, Dr. Martinez applies gauze to the area to help form a blood clot.


This technique usually takes longer than a simple extraction, especially if your tooth is fractured beneath the gum line. Recovery time for a surgical extraction can take up to two weeks.

When is a tooth extraction necessary?

A tooth extraction is usually the last resort if less invasive options have proven ineffective. Dr. Martinez may recommend a tooth extraction if you have:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Extensive dental damage or injury
  • Root canal failure
  • Advanced periodontal disease (gum disease)
  • Crowded teeth
  • Extreme pain or infection

A tooth extraction can also help preserve your surrounding tooth health and prevent infection from spreading.

What happens after a tooth extraction?

Dr. Martinez provides detailed aftercare instructions to help you prepare and recover effectively after a tooth extraction. What to expect after an extraction depends on the type and location. You should avoid hard, chewy, or sticky foods for at least a few days, whether you have a simple or surgical extraction.

Gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can also help clear debris from the extraction site to prevent infection. If you’ve had a surgical extraction, you may need to change your gauze regularly.

Extractions help relieve pain, prevent further dental complications, and create space for potential dental restoration or orthodontic procedures when necessary. Call New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.