

General, Cosmetic, & Implant Dentistry located in Pico Rivera, CA


Dentures are effective, affordable options to restore missing teeth and maintain your natural facial structure. Experienced dentist Karen Martinez, DDS, specializes in creating custom-made dentures at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera in Pico Rivera, California. Dr. Martinez’s commitment to beautiful, natural-looking results shines through in her meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that your dentures provide both functionality and an aesthetically pleasing smile. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more. 

Dentures Q & A

What are dentures?

Dentures are removable devices you can wear to replace missing teeth. They allow you to chew comfortably, speak clearly, and smile confidently. Modern acrylic dentures blend seamlessly with your natural facial structure for a beautiful, functional smile.

Are there different types of dentures?

The three most popular types of dentures are:

Complete dentures

Full dentures fit snugly around your gums and include an entire set of upper and lower teeth. They’re custom-made to replicate the shape, size, and color of natural teeth, ensuring a lifelike appearance and a comfortable fit.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures replace select teeth. Dr. Martinez may recommend these prosthetics if you still have several healthy teeth remaining. While complete dentures attach to a gum-like base that covers the roof of your mouth, partials connect to adjacent teeth using metal or ceramic framework.

Implant-supported dentures

Dr. Martinez can connect your dentures to dental implants — titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots, for enhanced stability and support.

I’m getting dentures. How do I prepare?

Preparing for dentures involves several steps to achieve the best results. This process typically includes initial dental impressions, multiple fittings, and adjustments to ensure the proper fit, comfort, and natural appearance of your new dentures. Most patients need tooth extractions before getting dentures to remove any decayed or damaged teeth. 


Dr. Martinez guides you through each step of the process to help you adapt to and care for your dentures effectively.

How do I care for dentures?

Proper care is essential to preserve your dentures and protect your oral health. A few steps to care for your dentures include:

Handle with care

Use both hands when inserting or removing your dentures to prevent damaging the appliance.

Clean daily

Brush your dentures daily using a soft-bristle brush designed for dentures and use a gentle denture cleaner.

Rinse after eating

After eating, rinse your dentures with water to remove food particles. This helps prevent staining and keeps your mouth feeling fresh.

Soak overnight

Dentures need to stay moist to retain their shape. Soak them in water or a denture-cleaning solution overnight. 

Oral hygiene

Brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth with a soft brush to remove bacteria and maintain good oral health.

Call New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about dentures.