
Root Canals

General, Cosmetic, & Implant Dentistry located in Pico Rivera, CA

Root Canals

Sudden tooth sensitivity, pain when chewing, and swollen gums are telltale signs you need a root canal. At New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera in Pico Rivera, California, experienced dentist Karen Martinez, DDS, performs expert root canals to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and preserve your tooth health. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to receive the prompt care you deserve.

Root Canals Q & A

What are root canals?

Root canals remove damaged or infected tissue to preserve the affected tooth's structural integrity and prevent the need for extraction. These tooth-saving treatments involve removing a type of tissue called pulp from the center of your tooth chamber. 

Pulp is vital for your early tooth development. It contains small nerves and blood vessels that nourish the tooth as it grows. Once your teeth reach full maturity, they no longer rely on pulp to function. Removing injured or infected pulp is often the most effective way to relieve pain, prevent the spread of infection, and save the tooth from extraction.

What are the signs that root canals may be necessary?

Identifying the early warning signs that root canals may be necessary is crucial for timely intervention. Common signs that you may need a root canal include:

  • Prolonged tooth sensitivity
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Darkening tooth or discoloration
  • Visibly cracked or damaged tooth
  • Loosening dental restorations
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Gum tenderness
  • Pain when chewing

A dental abscess— a pus-filled sac that forms near the affected tooth — may also develop. Abscesses require prompt attention to prevent potentially harmful bacteria from spreading through your body.

What happens during root canals?

When you arrive for a root canal at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera, Dr. Martinez administers a local anesthetic to numb your mouth. Next, she creates a small access hole in the center of your affected tooth. She carefully extracts the inflamed pulp and cleans out the tooth cavity. 

Once your tooth chamber is free of debris, she replaces the pulp with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. Finally, Dr. Martinez seals the access hole.

What are the most effective ways to protect teeth after root canals?

Protecting your tooth after a root canal is essential to prevent reinfection. Placing a dental crown after the procedure is one of the most effective techniques to protect and strengthen your tooth. Crowns are custom-made dental caps that seal out bacteria and restore your tooth’s shape and size.

Other essential tips to protect your tooth after a root canal include:

  • Gently brush and floss 
  • Rinse your mouth regularly
  • Avoid hard, chewy, sticky foods
  • Refrain from sucking on straws
  • Follow Dr. Martinez’s aftercare instructions

New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera provides expert care for root canals. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.