
How to Care for Your Dentures

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How to Care for Your Dentures

More than 36 million Americans don’t have any teeth, and 120 million are missing at least one tooth. 

If you fall in this category and need to replace multiple teeth at once, dentures are an effective, affordable option to restore those teeth and maintain your normal facial structure.

But if you’ve recently gotten dentures, you may not know how best to care for them.

Here at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera in Pico Rivera, California, we understand what change you’re going through. Taking proper care of your dentures is vital to preserving them so they continue to function well for years to come. Here’s our best advice on how to care for your new dentures.

Handle carefully

Use both hands when putting your dentures in or taking them out. Using just one hand could unnecessarily twist or break them. If damage occurs, call your dentist immediately for instructions on what to do next. Don’t try fixing them yourself, as this could make them worse.

Rinse well

After eating and drinking, rinse your dentures with water to remove food particles and prevent a buildup that could lead to plaque. This step also helps prevent staining and keeps your mouth fresh all day.

Clean daily

Plaque can build up on your dentures the same way it does on natural teeth, so regular cleanings are vital. Plan to brush your dentures at least once daily - every morning and evening is even better.

Fold a soft towel and place it on the bathroom counter to protect the dentures before you take them out. Rinse them off, then use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild denture cleanser to clean them (don’t use toothpaste — it is abrasive). Rinse again with warm water, but never use hot or boiling water, which can change the shape of the material.

Soak nightly

Once you’ve cleaned your dentures, soak them overnight to retain their shape. (If they dry out, they lose their shape and become more brittle.) Place them in a glass or container with lukewarm water or a denture-soaking solution. (Don’t sleep in them!)

Brush frequently

You’ve brushed your dentures, but don’t forget to brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove bacteria and maintain good oral health. You can also use mouthwash.

If you take care of your dentures properly, they can last at least seven to ten years. 

When you’re ready for dentures or need guidance in caring for them, our New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera team is here to help. Just call our office at 562-293-3784 or book an appointment online anytime.