
Do My Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed?

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Do My Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed?

Your dentist told you the time has come to remove your wisdom teeth. But you don’t feel any pain or notice any problems yet, so do they really have to be removed? 

New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera deals with many wisdom teeth patients. For most of them, removing their wisdom teeth is necessary.

In rare cases, though, some people can keep their wisdom teeth and do just fine. Here’s what you need to know:

Why do people have their wisdom teeth removed?

Your wisdom teeth are the last set of molars in the very back of your mouth. They’re your last set of adult teeth to come in, sometimes with no trouble.

More often, though, your wisdom teeth cause various problems that require removing them:

Crowding and shifting

If your wisdom teeth do come in, they often crowd out the other teeth in your mouth, causing them to shift or move, which creates the need for braces, or it can undo the work braces have already done!


In other cases, wisdom teeth can get impacted, which means they are blocked and can’t properly come in. These impacted teeth stay under your gums and can grow sideways or at an angle. They may also come in partially, exposing them to cavities or infections.

Difficulty cleaning

Wisdom teeth are hard to clean because they’re so far in the back of your mouth and are difficult to reach, especially in the nooks and crannies. Lack of proper cleaning can open them up to bacterial growth, cavities, gum disease, and more.


Other complications sometimes occur with wisdom teeth as well, including fluid-filled cysts that damage teeth and nerves, jaw or sinus issues, or constant pain.

You should have your wisdom teeth removed if they are causing any of these issues.

When can you keep your wisdom teeth?

If, however, your wisdom teeth aren’t causing any of these problems, or your dentist doesn’t believe these problems will occur, you may be able to keep those wisdom teeth.

To keep your wisdom teeth, they must be healthy and clean, aligned correctly with the other teeth in your mouth, not cause crowding issues, not be impacted, and not cause you pain.

Even if all these criteria are factual and you decide to keep your wisdom teeth, you should prepare for the situation if it changes. For this reason, many people remove them as a preventive measure to keep anything from going wrong.

Your teeth get hard as you age, so it’s easier to remove your wisdom teeth when you’re young. As you age, teeth are more difficult to remove, and your recovery is long.

If you need guidance regarding your wisdom teeth, our experienced team at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera, is here to evaluate your case and explain your options. Call our office in Pico Rivera, California, at 562-293-3784 or use our online scheduler to make an appointment anytime!