
5 Reasons to Invest in Professional Teeth Whitening

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5 Reasons to Invest in Professional Teeth Whitening

You’ve been weighing the decision for a while now, going back and forth and unsure what to do.

Should you invest in professional teeth whitening or not? Maybe the do-it-yourself version is just as good, and hey, you’ll save some money.

Or maybe not.

Here at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera, professional teeth whitening isn’t just an expense — it’s an investment in your future. Here are five reasons you should make that investment.

1. To upgrade your smile

If your teeth are discolored, teeth whitening is an excellent way to improve the appearance of your smile. In one treatment, your teeth can become up to 8 shades brighter, which works no matter where your stains originate — dark food and drinks, medications, smoking, or more.

Our teeth whitening products include bleaching agents that release oxygen, penetrating the enamel and breaking the stain molecules in your teeth, which makes them easier to get rid of.

Want a better smile? Whitening is a great start.

2. To ensure high-quality results

Those over-the-counter whitening kits you were thinking about getting? Not a good idea. They’re less effective, and they may cause damage to your gums, teeth, and mouth.

You want a professional-grade treatment with the American Dental Association seal of acceptance. The Zoom!® in-office treatment we offer fits the bill. It includes an ADA-approved balance of chemicals and gets applied by our highly-trained team, which ensures your safety and protects your teeth and gums.  

3. To get a customized treatment

Our professional whitening treatment also allows you to customize your whitening presence and focus the treatment on the areas that need it the most. If one tooth is more stained than another, for instance, we can treat it more aggressively, leaving you with a whiter smile that’s even across your mouth. Over-the-counter kits probably only help surface stains — when they can’t help the deeper ones, you could end up with an uneven smile in brightness.

4. To improve your oral health

You might not realize it, but professional teeth whitening can improve oral health. Many treatments have antibacterial agents, which protect your teeth from decay. Plus, when you have whiter teeth, you are more likely to maintain your brushing and flossing routine (along with dental visits) to keep your teeth in good condition.


5. To build your confidence

If you’re embarrassed because your teeth are stained or yellowing, you’re likely covering your mouth when you talk or smile because you don’t want people to see your teeth. Teeth whitening can give you the confidence to walk into a room, flashing your smile with your head held high.  

Now that you’re ready to invest in professional teeth whitening, our New Smile Dental team is also ready and waiting. Call our Pico Rivera, California office at 562-293-3784 or book an appointment with our online scheduler anytime!