
5 Reasons Dental Implants are Superior to Other Teeth Replacement Options

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5 Reasons Dental Implants are Superior to Other Teeth Replacement Options

You don’t think about losing your teeth every day.

But for almost 180 million Americans who are missing at least one of their teeth (40 million are missing all of them!), the new space in their jawline requires them to adjust to a new reality.

You should replace a tooth lost from an accident, injury, or disease to maintain your appearance and overall oral health.

Here at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera, we offer a few ways to do this, including bridges, dentures, and dental implants. Most of the time, we recommend dental implants as the superior option.

Here are five reasons why.

1. Dental implants are durable and stable

Dental implants are titanium posts anchored into your jawbone and then topped with a porcelain crown. Because they securely fasten to your bone, they essentially become part of your mouth. Dental implants preserve your normal bite force, and you don’t have to worry about the implant slipping out of your mouth like dentures can do.

2. Dental implants blend seamlessly with your teeth

The crown portion of your implant looks and feels natural. We use state-of-the-art techniques and materials so the crown shape is perfect and the shade matches your other teeth. No one realizes you have an implant — unless, of course, you tell them!

3. Dental implants promote oral health

Your jawbone depends on stimulation from the roots of your teeth to continually grow and stay healthy. If you don’t get your missing tooth replaced, your jawbone begins to weaken and deteriorate. Unlike dentures and bridges, which rest on top of your gums, implants get anchored into your jawbone to provide the necessary stimulation.

Filling in the space where your tooth is missing also prevents your other teeth from shifting into misalignment, and takes away space where bacteria could potentially gather.

4. Dental implants are easy to care for

Here’s a complete list of the special care your dental implants require: nothing. Unlike dentures that must be removed and cleaned, you treat your implants like any other tooth. Yes, you should  brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly, but you already do those things. No extra care is needed.

5. Dental implants boost your confidence

If you have a missing tooth, you probably try to hide your smile or are less confident walking into a room filled with people you don’t know. Dental implants give you your smile back — and your self-confidence!

If you’re considering dental implants as a teeth replacement option, our team at New Smile Dental of Pico Rivera is happy to help. You can make an appointment today by calling our office in Pico Rivera, California, at 562-293-3784, or you can use our convenient online scheduler!